We hope you all are enjoying the summer holidays and fine weather.
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We would like wish everybody every success with their exams.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sun, it’s great to have such lovely weather for the summer holidays, Just quick updates to let everyone know that KACS is here if anyone needs us we are open throughout the summer holidays, so if you need us don’t hesitate to ring. In the meantime enjoy the sun

Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service are presenting a Public Lecture by John Sharry for parents and those interested in adolescence on October 27th 2011 at 8pm in The Meadowlands Hotel. There will also be a seminar for Health Professionals on Friday 28th October 2011 in St John’s Parish Centre starting at 10am. For further details please […]

Silly Season!
Well done to all the students who have been working their brains 100% in the last 2 weeks. KACS hope that you are all feeling good about completing your exams and now you can take a well earned rest. Just a reminder to say that we do not close for the summer. Our hours are […]

Bereavement Support Group
The Bereavement Support Group which has been meeting each Friday for several weeks concluded with their last meeting on Friday 13th May. Group members and facilitators were very pleased with the attendance and participation in the Group. There is a possibility that another group will be formed in the coming weeks. If you would be […]

Junior & Leaving Cert time
KACS would like to send their best wishes to all the students doing their Junior and Leaving Cert exams this month.

Bereavement Support Group
KACS is starting a Bereavement Support Group on Friday 25th March. This group will initially run for 6 weeks and is open to any young person between the ages of 15 to 25. Please phone the Centre at 066 7181333 to book a place in the group.

New Website
Hello, Welcome to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service’s new website ! The official launch will take place on Friday 4th of March at 11.00 am
We are delighted to announce that the Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service centre has been chosen to take part in the next campaign of the Tesco Tralee Manor Community Fund Programme. We are taking part along with the Kerry Cork Health link bus and the Animal Net Kerry. So how does it work? Firstly Tesco will […]